Scary Story

And you know what's scarier than that? (No--it's not the fact that I'm finally posting again.) I haven't done much in the way of knitting--a bit here and there--but lured by the quick win offered by crochet, I may have started--and finished--a couple of small projects while my current knitting WIPS languish.
A hotpad (the Crochet Flower Hot Pad), just 'cause the sample I saw at Bobbin's Nest was so dang cool...

(The one at Bobbin's Nest was much prettier.)
...and the pouch bag pattern I got at Full Thread Ahead, although this isn't the Louet Euroflax I bought for it--after reading about others' experiences with the pattern on Ravelry, I wasn't sure one skein would really be enough--or that my crochet skills would be up to the whole "counting" thing (I "wing it" too much with crochet...), so I used some Patons Grace.

Now back to our regularly scheduled knitting...
(Oh--and I did finish--and gift--the kitty pi. Picture with the kitty when I get a chance.)
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