Friday Again

If it weren't for eye candy Friday, I'd have significantly fewer posts...
I do have some knitting progress to report (scarf-related--not the sock), but no photos at the moment--I'll try to get some at lunch.
I'll be migrating to the Blogger Beta this weekend, so prepare for technical difficulties and other fun that so often results from an "upgrade".
One nice thing about the way the upgrade is supposed to work (as I understand it, anyway) is that I will be able to organize posts by topic. My hope is that I'll be able to organize the blog into several categories that interest me, and post to those "folders". This blog started out as mostly a knitting blog, but I'd really like to write about other things, too. This should allow me to do that, while still making it easy for those of you who are just interested in things knitterly to find new knitting content.
Cross your fingers, and have a great weekend!
Labels: eye candy friday
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