Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Pride and Prejudice

photo from

Do I have to tell you which is which?
I am thrilled with our country's pick for the next president. And very disappointed that it looks like my state (California) is legislating discrimination.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Getting Started
Naturally, I'm already behind schedule with NaNoWriMo. Big surprise*. I'm not pleased with what I've written thus far (another big surprise*), I can't put my hands on the list of writing ideas I've already started, and I have absolutely no idea what I want to write about, so today I'm starting over with some exercises.
Of course, I can't easily put my hands on the books and decks of writing exercises I already have, so I've turned to the Internet.
In case any of you are interested in doing a few creative writing exercises of your own, I'm listing some of the sites I've found here, although I haven't yet tried any of them, so use them at your own risk:
- Writers' Digest, here
- Writing Fix, here (intended for kids, but has some good, general purpose prompts, too.)
- The Creativity Portal's Imagination Prompt Generator
- C.M Mayo's site, here
- Meridith Sue Willis' site, here
- The "Buried Treasures" blog
- The 6' Ferret Writers' Group, here
- One of Us Creative Writing Web site, here
-, here and here
And then, just for fun, there's this one ('cause we really don't want to take all of this too seriously)--warning: it contains foul language and some crass content. Funny, but crass.
Anybody else know of any good resources?