Another Distraction

A somewhat eclectic blog by a woman who's easily distracted...

Friday, April 27, 2007

More Mendocino


Thursday, April 26, 2007

What Conference Calls Are Good For

I had a conference call at 6:30 this morning. Ugh. Fortunately, I got to call in from home (which means I'm now running late...), so unlike many conference calls, I actually got something accomplished on this one. I finished knitting my lace tam.

I still need to weave in the ends and block it, but I'm done with the knitting. Woohoo!

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Friday, April 20, 2007



Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Tink, Tink


Just a quick note to let you know there hasn't been much knitting here lately (although there is some unknitting going on...), but I expect to remedy that, at least a bit, over the weekend.

Basically, I've been distracted by other frustrations in life. Other frustrations that have distracted me to the point of making stupid mistakes in my knitting, which has resulted in my need to tink back three rows on the tam. I can't believe I've made another bonehead mistake on this wonderful tam. It really is an easy--and fun--pattern to follow. Just pay a little attention to what you're doing. However, I don't recommend knitting it while ticked off. (The Harlot Poncho, on the other hand, was great for that!)

At least some good may be coming of all the frustration. I finally reached my tipping point, and am actively working to find an alternative to the situation. I am now a woman on a mission! Everything, including the tam, will be sorted out in short order.

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Friday, April 13, 2007

Tulip in the Sunshine

Happy Eye Candy Friday!


Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Susan Rainey's Lace Tam--sans twist this time!

Boyfriend sock number two--slowly but surely.

Boyfriend sock number one fits!

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Monday, April 02, 2007

Boyfriend Sock, One of Two

Done! Finally!

(Sorry--the recipient and foot model was not available for a photo shoot, and I was too excited to wait to post.) In order to avoid (or at least reduce) the effects of Second Sock Syndrome, it's important to cast on the second sock right away, right?

I decided I wanted to use the magic loop method, but I couldn't find a 2.25mm 32-40" circular anywhere, so, I tried this:

The two circ method does seem to go a bit faster than using DPNs, but I don't much care for it. Very "fiddly". And it may be the cheap needles (which Cat Bordhi warns against), but I really don't like all of the pulling the join of the needle through the knitting. Still, I'd have carried on, except that it seems my gauge using this technique on these needles is noticeably larger than it is on the DPNs. So, the second sock currently looks like this:

No new technique to keep me motivated, but I do have the one completed sock, staring at me and looking lonely. That'll have to do.

Another motivational tactic would be not to start anything else until I finish this. But that's just not me. Besides, I just got this in the mail:

It's the yarn (and the pattern--not pictured) for Susan Rainey's Lace Tam that I won in the Rainey Sisters' bloggiversary drawing. (The pattern also includes a matching lace scarf.) This yarn feels SO nice--I had to start the tam.

See that twist? The instructions specifically state, "join without twisting". Darned knitting karma. Yeah, yeah--I'm going back to the sock. For now.

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