Another Distraction

A somewhat eclectic blog by a woman who's easily distracted...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Winning news and other randomness

Winning news:

This is the inside of my freezer.

"Winning news" doesn't immediately jump to mind when you look at this, does it? This sad photo gives you a pretty accurate glimpse into what a weeknight dinner is for me. It's not that I can't cook, but that I'm usually too tired, too distracted, or too lazy to cook after a long day at work. Especially if I'm just cooking for me, which is about 80% of the time.

Why would I show you this? Because soon--very soon--I should be eating quick, healthy dinners, thanks to Wendy. I won a copy of The Splendid Table's How to Eat Supper through one of her fabulous blog contests! Perhaps I'll even blog a meal or two once I get the book. Stay tuned.

Other randomness:

  • * I did, in fact, sign up for the Summer of Socks 2008. I figure it shouldn't be too tough to do better than I did last year. And I will likely enter the "Socks on Vacation" contest. I will not be entering the "Most Socks" contest. Clearly.

  • * Here's a photo of the slow progress on the Instant Gratification Cardi Jacket. (In my defense, I've been traveling, so I haven't touched it in three days.)

  • * And a photo of the even slower progress on the fingerless gloves. I have no defense for the lack of progress here, although I will say that on the aforementioned trip, I chose to try and sleep on the plane, rather than read or knit, given it was essentially two cross-country (SFO-JFK-SFO) red-eyes with an all day meeting in the middle.

  • * Should you ever find yourself at JFK looking for a pleasant meal and a drink, steer clear of the Bacardi Lounge. The service is both slow and surly, and the drinks are overpriced.

  • * And since you're here... I'm going to take advantage of my increased Web traffic (since Wendy linked to me, and all) to let you know about two great hat-knitting-for-charity opportunities:

It's shaping up to be a tasty meal-making, happy sock- and hat-knitting summer!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Do I dare?

Jessica's doing the Summer of Socks (SOS) again this year over at Zarzuela Knits and Crochets. I was perhaps the most pathetic participant last year, finishing a grand total of *almost* ONE sock. So, I wasn't even going to officially play along this year. I figured I should just sit on the sidelines knitting sock(s) while I watch. You know? Prove myself (or redeem myself) before I try again. But now Wendy's writing a new sock pattern that's only available to SOS participants. And it's really, really cute. And I want it.

I do have a few long plane rides planned for the summer, so I should have more sock knitting time this summer...

Do I dare?

Saturday, May 10, 2008

A question, a sweater, and a plan

Does anyone know how (or if) I can stop people from spoofing my e-mail address and/or domain? You know, since they're clearly spamming people and making it look like the e-mail came from me or my domain? Or how I might track them down and prosecute them to the fullest extent of whatever law they may be subject to? Any tips would be greatly appreciated! I'll also accept really great, appropriate curses.

Actually, I read one that really made me laugh the other day. I wish I could remember where, so I could give due credit to the blogger, but memory fails at the moment. Anyway, the curse was something like, "May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits." For now, that's the one I'm using for the spoofers.

In the mean time, I've just started a new cardigan. I need a "quick win", so how could I resist something called the "Instant Gratification Cardi Jacket"? I've not gotten very far with it yet, but I'll post a photo and details soon.

And since a blog post just doesn't seem to be a blog post without some kind of graphic, I give you (courtesy of Dave Walker at We Blog Cartoons) an idea of what I will be doing today:

cartoon from

Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.

(Note that while I own the copyright on everything on my blog unless supplied by blogger or otherwise stated, Dave owns the copyright on the cartoon up there.)

So, with so many UFOs (and such a large pile of laundry looming), how is it that I've started yet another knitting project? It's true, I have a few projects that just won't seem to finish themselves and a whole slew of new projects I really want to start (odd how that always seems to happen, eh?), so I've made myself a little deal. I've moved all but one of the slower projects into "hibernation" on Ravelry. I will allow myself one new project and one "pre-existing" project at a time. I have a trip to NY coming up soon, so I figure I'll work on the second glove (my current "pre-existing" project) for that trip. It's two red-eyes, with a meeting in between, so I probably won't get a whole lot of knitting time. Maybe enough to finish up that glove, though.

In the mean time, I'll be off hunting down curses. Between loads of laundry.